Individuals who are suffering with balding and hair loss have to contend with not only the physical aspects of these conditions but the psychological issues that accompany them as well. While it’s mostly a cultural malady according to many physicians, balding and hair loss can devastate a person emotionally and mentally as well. In many cases, it causes anxiety, depression, a loss of self-confidence and self-esteem, and a number of other emotional and psychological issues.
The Search for a Solution
Current statistics show that approximately 35 million men and 21 million women are currently experiencing hair loss. If you’re one of these many individuals that are aware of your condition, you’ve probably thought about a way to mask, reverse, or slow down the balding process. Furthermore you’ve probably heard or seen advertising about one of the following hair loss “solutions”:
- creams and shampoos
- magic medications
- medical procedures
- toupees and wigs
Needless to say, it seems that there is a new solution being introduced on a regular basis. Unfortunately, there are only a few procedures that have resulted in successful hair restoration treatments, one of which is the NeoGraft procedure. Not only was this procedure developed to promote the regrowth of a person’s natural hair, it is an ideal procedure for creating natural, long-lasting results as well.
NeoGraft Benefits
The NeoGraft follicular unit extraction (FUE) procedure has grown very popular over the past decade and is now the #1 choice compared to the follicular unit transplantation (FUT) or traditional strip method. There are 3 benefits of the NeoGraft method that you should be aware of:
It’s more affordable than other procedures – the need for general anesthesia is what typically increases the cost of surgical procedures. Not with NeoGraft procedures. Due to its non-invasive nature the use of general anesthesia is not required thereby making NeoGraft the more affordable hair transplant procedure compared to other methods.
NeoGraft is a more comfortable procedure – it’s also considerably quicker to finish. Compared to other hair transplant procedures that are being practiced today, NeoGraft is far less invasive. Due to this aspect and the precise nature of the procedure, it only takes a few hours to complete. Additionally, with local anesthesia and IV sedation, you’ll be more comfortable during the procedure and recovery period.
No unsightly scar tissue – for many years, the FUT method was the only option for overcoming baldness and hair loss. Despite the fact that it has been a successful in many cases, it leaves the patient with an unsightly linear scar. Furthermore, this results in an unappealing appearance and may prevent the person’s hair from growing in a more natural looking direction. On a more positive, the NeoGraft procedure eliminates linear scarring.
Compared to most other hair restoration methods, the benefits are higher with this specific procedure and that is why it is popular.
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